Category: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

UK health regulator rejects lecanemab as treatment for Alzheimer’s

Decision by Nice to rule out drug being available on NHS comes despite medicines licensing body giving green lightThe UK’s health regulator has rejected a drug that can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease,...

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Revealed: obesity jab maker discussed targeting benefit claimants with UK government

Drug firm Novo Nordisk proposed singling out those most likely to return to work with its weight-loss injectionObesity jab maker Novo Nordisk suggested to senior government officials that they could “profile” benefit...

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Revealed: drug firms funding UK patient groups that lobby for NHS approval of medicines

Observer investigation shows that majority of Nice drug appraisals involve groups financially linked to maker of pharmaceuticalsDrug companies are systematically funding grassroots patient groups that lobby the NHS medicines...

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Magnetic marker liquid could be used to show if breast cancer has spread

Nice endorses Magtrace to use with probe, which work in similar way to metal detectorWomen with invasive breast cancer could be injected with a magnetic marker liquid to tell doctors if their disease has spread, according to a...

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