Category: Cop27

Fears over oil producers’ influence with UAE as next host of Cop climate talks

More than 630 fossil fuel lobbyists attended Cop27, and the Emirates, where Cop28 will be held, is a major oil and gas exporter Fears are growing among climate experts and campaigners over the influence of fossil fuel producers...

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Cop27: members ‘deeply disappointed’ by summit outcomes despite historic loss and damage fund – live

Despite breakthrough on fund for developing nations, Cop27 outcomes look disappointingly similar to last year’s climate summit in ScotlandThe main sticking point of Cop27 has been over the creation of a loss and damage...

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Fears 1.5C target in danger as Cop27 negotiations overrun – live

After two weeks of negotiations, talks have been extended with countries unable to reach agreement on FridayAsad Rehman, director of War on Want and one of the most outspoken figures at the climate talks, takes issue with EU...

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