Category: Censorship

Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist

Leaked documents spark furious backlash from groups who fear freedom of expression could be suppressedGovernment officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who...

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Vice blocked news stories that could offend Saudi Arabia, insiders say

Exclusive: Media company recently signed lucrative deal with Saudi government-controlled MBC GroupVice has repeatedly blocked news stories that could offend the Saudi government, leaving its reporters unsure if they are still...

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UK placed in third tier in global index of free expression

Index on Censorship lists UK as only ‘partially’ open’ in every key metric for the year 2021The UK has been ranked only in the third tier of a new global index of freedom of expression due to what was described...

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‘Publishing is not a crime’: media groups urge US to drop Julian Assange charges

First outlets to publish WikiLeaks material, including the Guardian, come together to oppose prosecutionThe US government must drop its prosecution of the WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange because it is undermining press...

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JK Rowling, Rushdie and Atwood warn against ‘intolerance’ in open letter

Harper’s letter asserts way to ‘defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion’, but critics accuse authors of censorious mentalityJK Rowling, Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood are among the...

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