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The Forex Weekly High Impact Forex Economic Events Recap may prepare Traders in advance of specific major impactful economic news releases schedule for the week ahead.

News does Moves Markets Forex and it is highly important that Traders  stay abreast of all the up an coming High impact Forex economic news releases. This can be a very useful tool if properly employed in ones trade plan.  “Remember the wise Trader plans, prepares, exercises prudent risk management, stays one step ahead of the game and knows when to enter and exit the market at the most opportune time.”

According to a Triennial Central Bank Survey Foreign exchange conducted in 2019..turn over in global Fx markets average 6.6 trillion dollars.  The U.S. Dollar (USD) remains the most trade currency in the Forex global market place with 88% of daily trades bought or sold under this survey.  According to a 2016 TCB Survey the second most traded currency is the Euro (EUR) carrying 36% of trading bought or sold.  The third most traded currency is the Japanese yen (JPY) holding down 21.6% of daily trades bought or sold. The fourth most traded currency within the Forex market is the Pound sterling (GBP) which has 12.8% of daily trades bought or sold.  The fifth most traded currency is the Australian dollar (AUD) which represents 6.9% of daily trades bought or sold.  


Forex Weekly Economic Events Recap July 31, 2022

07/09/2022 07/15/2022 (UK Open) (U.S. Open) (Sydney Open)(Tokyo Open) (UK Close) (U.S. Close)(Sydney Close)(Tokyo Close) Real Time Currency News
TimeCurEventActual ForcastPrevious
Sunday July 31, 2022
21:45 ChinaCNYCaixin Manufacturing PMI (Jul)51.551.7
Monday August 1, 2022
03:00 germanyEURGerman Manufacturing PMI (Jul)49.249.2
04:30 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPManufacturing PMI (Jul)52.252.2
13:30 USA ISM Manufcaturing Prices (Jul) 52.0 53.0
Tuesday August 2, 2020
00:30 austraiaAUDRBA Interest Rate Decision (Aug)1.85%1.35%
00:30 austraiaAUDRBA Rate Statement
10:00 USAJOLTs Job Openings (Jun)11.000M11,254M
18:45 New ZealandNZDEmployment Change (QoQ) (Q2)0.4%0.1%
Wednesday, August 3, 2022
02:00 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPComposite PMI (Jul)52.8 52.8%
04:30 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPServices PMI (Jul)53.353.3
02:00 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPISM Non-Manufacturing PMI (Jul)53.555.3
02:00 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPCrude Oil Inventories (June) -4.523M
Thursday August 4, 2022
04:30 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPConstruction PMI (Jul)52.152.6
07:30 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPBpE Interest Rate Decision (Aug)1.50%1.25%
07:30 United_KingdomGreat-BritainGBPBoE Gov Bailey Speaks
08:30 USAInitial Jobless Claims255K256K
Friday August 5, 2022
08:30 USANon Farm Payroll (Jul)250K372K
08:30 USAUnemployment Rate (Jul)3.6%3.6%
08:30 canadaCADUnemployment Change (Jul)15.0K-43.2K
08:30 canadaCADIvey PMI n.s.a. (Jul)62.2
HghVolatility Expected

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