Category: MI5

Journalists who were unlawfully spied on have ‘no doubt’ UK reporters are still targeted

Belfast-based Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey won landmark victory that PSNI’s surveillance was unlawfulTwo investigative journalists who a tribunal ruled were unlawfully spied on by police have said that they are in...

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MPs fear government too trusting of China in wake of alleged spy scandal

‘We cannot be the naive ones in the relationship,’ says one Labour MP, as pressure mounts to put country in upper tier of risk registerMPs fear the government is moving too fast to re-establish UK-China relations as...

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MPs threaten to name Chinese ‘spy’ linked to Prince Andrew

Allegations raise calls for caution in UK over bid to re-establish China linksMPs fear the government is moving too fast to re-establish UK-China relations as some consider naming the alleged spy who used his relationship with...

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Malcolm Turnbull condemns UK’s ‘extraordinary’ hypocrisy over Spycatcher affair

Exclusive: Former Australian PM witnessed ‘shocking act of perjury’ and says MI5 are still trying to hide somethingThe former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has accused the UK government of hypocrisy and...

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